+420 251 510 011
Neoware s.r.o., Vyskočilova 1461/2a, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic

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Headquarters Address:

Neoware s.r.o.
Vyskočilova 1461/2a
140 00 Prague 4
Czech Republic

e-mail: neoware@neoware.cz

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Neoware is a dynamically growing IT company focused on development of large information systems very often aimed at mission critical applications like monitoring of technological processes (e.g. oil wells) or aeronautical information processing.

The portfolio of Neoware projects includes

  • development of SW systems that Neoware owns, runs on his own and provides his customers with them on the software-as-a-service basis,
  • custom development – Neoware develops the whole system and delivers it to his customers, and
  • subcontracting in case of large projects when Neoware delivers specific components to a prime contractor.

Monitoring of technological processes

In this segment, Neoware uses C-language for development of firmware of on-site communication modules (HW designed by Neoware), Java EE technology for development of the backend and HTML5 and/or Ruby on Rails on the presentation layer side. In certain projects, specialized application for mobile devices have been developed (iOS, Android platforms).
Protocols used: SNMP, Modbus, SSH, SSL
Database: PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, JPA 2.0 (EclipseLink or Hibernate as providers)
Application server: Tomcat as web container plus Spring as dependency injection container, Jersey as REST API framework
Presentation layer: JQuery, Bootstrap, (on certain projects) Ruby on Rails, iOS/Android applications

Geographical information processing

Standards for information exchange: GML, AIXM 5.1
Technology: MS SQL Server Spatial, Intergraph GeoMedia, Java XML ecosystem

Enterprise information systems

Backend: PostgreSQL, MySQL, JPA 2.0 (EclipseLink, Hibernate as providers)
Application server: Glassfish or JBoss, Tomcat+Spring
Frontend: JSF, Struts (legacy projects), HTML5

PKI expertise

Neoware provides consulting and/or development of components in the area of public key infrastructure (especially but not only) on Mac OS/X platform.
Language: Objective-C

Mac OS/X and iOS applications

Neoware has been engaged and even plans to increse its engagement in the area of development of applications in the Cocoa framework (Mac OS/X, iOS platforms). This competence area is based on several successful projects completed so far.
Language: Objective-C, Swift